
ORAP organizes twice a year a Forum dedicated two stakeholders in High Performacne Computing. 

The topic for the 47th Forum is "French Exascale project: stakes for the applications"

The Forum will take place on 20 June 2022 from 9:30 AM to 1PM. Because of the health situation, the Forum will be organzed remotely.


France will  apply to the next EuroHPC call to house one of the two exaflop-class machines envisioned in Europe in 2024. This Forum will present the results obtained by the Applications Working Goup set together by CNRS, CEA, Inria and Universities. 
Running applications on a exascale machine entails numerous issues in order to adapt and port the codes so as to make best use of the heavily acceleretaed architectures. The main results from the differnet domains will be presented at this Forum

Practical information 

The conferences will be linked on Zoom. To obtain the connection link please register via the menu on the left.

A pad will be set up to allow you to ask questions to the speakers. 

More information to come on this page

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